
2013年特别优惠:提前90天预订,可享受15%的学费折扣。- 8周以上公寓住宿费9折。春季开学日期1月1日前完成注册的学生学费减免15%


课程由专业的年轻教师教授,他们在大学水平上学习过,并接受过向各种能力水平的外国人教授意大利语的专门培训。提供教材,如课本和用品。不过,你应该自带字典。我们友好和乐于助人的工作人员为每个学生提供个人关注。意大利语是在小型学习小组(最多12人)和个人课程中教授的。学校为学生提供了一系列深入了解意大利文化的活动。我们的教学方法是直接教学:从第一天开始,所有级别的课程都只讲意大利语。口语和现场语言被强调,因此,不断强调口头交流的使用可以让你“自然”地学习意大利语,轻松地将理论与实践结合起来,快速而自信地增加你的知识。高级课程也练习书面语言。课程遵循教学计划根据水平,因此集中在以下方面:1 .密集的语法学习2。 Phonetics Development of vocabulary iii. Syntax and application iv. Listening and comprehension v. Dialogue and communication vi. Situation method Idiomatic and phraseology vii. Written and oral comprehension viii. Lecture and analysis ix. Live guided discussion and synthesis x. Conversation * Standard Group instructed 20 Classes of Italian Language and culture per week from Monday to Friday, usually beginning at 9am. If there are many participants the Standard Course may also be held in the afternoon at 2pm. * Standard Plus 20 + 5 Classes of Italian Language and culture per week from Monday to Friday. The course consists of 4 lessons of group instructed language course plus 1 lesson of Individual course per day. It combines the Standard Course with private lessons (one-to-one). The individual lessons are specifically designed for your specific needs. * Intensive Plus 20 + 10 Classes of Italian Language and culture per week from Monday to Friday. The course consists of 4 lessons of group instructed language course plus 2 lesson of Individual course per day. It combines the Standard Course with 2 private lessons (one-to-one). The individual lessons are specifically designed for your specific needs. * Individual (One to One) Tailor-made private classes for highly motivated persons who need to advance rapidly in a specific area of study but in little available time. You decide how many classes you want and what you wish to study. This course can be formatted to suit your particular professional and personal needs, as well as your own time schedule. It allows for continual language practice, maximum concentration through intensive work with your personal teacher and, especially, active practising of your communication skills guarantee you swift progress and success in the shortest possible time. Minimum 3 to maximum 8 lessons per day; the course intensity may be changed from week to week. Culture and Focus Programs: * Professional Courses 30 Classes of Italian Language and culture per week from Monday to Friday. The professional courses consist of the Standard Course plus two (2) Individual course daily that focus on terminology from selected professional field. You can choose among the following subjects: - Business Correspondence - Business Italian - Italian for Banking Business - Italian for Law - Italian for Healthcare - Italian for Hotel Industry - The Language of Wine and Food - The Language of Tourism - Italian for Flight Attendants - The Language of Fashion - The Language of Architecture - Italian Cinema - Italian Literature - The Language of the Opera - The History and Language of Theatre * "Italy Today" 25 Classes of Italian Language and culture per week from Monday to Friday. The "Italy Today" Course is perfect for students who want to learn Italian and at the same time become acquainted with the culture and history and the current social and political situation of their host country. In addition to the 4 lessons Standard Course in the morning, there are afternoon sessions that introduce the student to art and culture, history and folklore, press and films as well as the current political and economical situation of Italy. The cultural part of this course consists in 10 supplementary lessons over two weeks. * A.I.L. [Accademia Italiana di Lingua] "Firenze" Exam Preparation As a recognized examination centres of the Accademia Italiana di Lingua (AIL), the school host preparatory courses for the different Italian examinations "Firenze" of the AIL. The preparatory courses always start one month before the examination dates and consist daily of 4 group lessons of grammar review and conversation plus 2 lessons of test taking strategies and examination drills. The exams are organized to test the level of Italian; below the exams are listed with the ability level

2013年特别优惠:提前90天预订,可享受15%的学费折扣。- 8周以上公寓住宿费9折。春季开学日期1月1日前完成注册的学费减免15%,夏季开学日期4月1日前完成注册的学费减免15%




