
威尼斯国际夏季美术与媒体学院是一个学术研究和开放学院的结合。这些课程既面向大学学生,也面向没有受过艺术培训的申请者。6月15日- 7月12日



威尼斯国际夏季美术与媒体学院是一个学术研究和开放学院的结合。这些课程既面向大学学生,也面向没有受过艺术培训的申请者。2014年6月15日- 7月12日。通过这种方式,它将高级级别与开放可访问性相结合。课程与威尼斯双年展并行,这也影响了该计划。所有课程都包括为初学者提供最新教学方法的技术和技能的培训模块。事实上,艺术工作室、住宿和餐饮都位于同一栋楼或附近,这有助于在夏季学院创造一个独特的工作环境。大部分课程以英语和德语授课。

威尼斯夏季学院沿袭了20世纪40年代美国夏季学院的传统[1],以及黑山学院(Black Mountain College)和罗伯特·威尔逊(Robert Wilson)的Watermill Center的跨学科理念[2]。以下科目是关键:初级和高级艺术课是为高级学生和绝对初学者一起提供的。课堂是混合的,一些学生贡献他们的经验,而另一些学生则带来公正的方法。所有课程都为初学者提供单独的培训模块,根据最新的教学方法,在短时间内教授学生全面的基本技能。由于班级规模较小,每个学生的具体兴趣将得到个别关注。课程将由不同年龄组的参与者组成。为年轻学生提供的奖学金促进了他们的参与。不仅是老师,而且参与者都来自世界各大洲。这意味着我们不再专注于欧洲的视角,而是能够将世界各个地区的艺术联系起来。这种方法由Networking Tours提供支持,您可以单独预订。 They will take you to centres of art around the world. Such contacts are not only valuable for the attending students but eventually lead to the invitation of teachers from those continents.[3] The Summer Academy is a hub where different cultures come together. Interdisciplinary The small number of participants per class and class proximity allow lively interaction between the individual art classes. Courses can be booked by the week, i.e. participants may choose to immerse themselves into one class or to select different successive ones. Moreover, the establishment of “Cross Media Projects” provides the opportunity for students of different classes to co-operate in joint projects. The final presentations of works made in class as well as of the interdisciplinary projects each Saturday night provide an outside view on the students' works. Diversity of approaches The flexible concept of the Summer Academy allows us to offer more than one class in certain areas and to invite teachers representing different philosophies and approaches on an alternating basis. A lot of skills rejected by new and fast approaches today can in fact be valuable skills from which important innovations for the future may evolve. It is one of our key objectives to maintain this diversity. New media and a transformed definition of art Due to new media, smartphones, tablet PCs, the Internet and both the active and the passive use of it provided by Facebook, Twitter and various apps, the boundaries between the original artist and the anonymous public are being re-defined. As a consequence, new interfaces between the various art forms and new ways of dealing with art are emerging – a development that is just in its infancy and on which special emphasis is placed in courses at the Venice Summer Academy. An artist’s career It would be irresponsible for an art-teaching institution not to care about the artists’ careers and their future in economic terms. Development prospects, the networks they can establish and how to find ways to be successful in the business are crucial aspects for artists who want to live on their art. There will not only be presentations given by international gallerists, curators and artists but also a separate class on this topic. Venice Last but not least, Venice as the location of the Academy also plays an important role. Venice is a universe in itself and the Academy integrates the most prominent exhibitions, performances and Biennales taking place in Venice in its practical work. The controversial analysis of individual Biennale projects or notable exhibitions allows students to get an outside view and also to reflect on their own works.




